The Power of the Heart

Months ago

Tap tap tap. I hit the tip of my pencil against my desk. I’ve been looking for a summer internship for the past three months and nothing feels right. I’m a marketing student, but imagining myself at these marketing internships makes my heart shrink. Tap Tap Tap. My pencil hits the desks a little louder. Even though I’m only 19 years old, I think to myself, I have over 3 years of marketing experience already. The logical part of my brain is screaming at me that I’ll only be able to score a marketing position. 

What is it that I truly want? I want to write. I want to share my story and I want to help others share theirs. When I think about my future, my heart has always pulled towards journalism. While this feeling of knowing gives me a sense of peace, I find myself fighting this constant battle of what my heart wants versus what my brain thinks is best. 

I’ve applied to dozens of marketing internships and I’ve spent hours doing so. If I change my mind right now, I would’ve wasted hours applying to these pointless internships. But then, my heart starts yelling a little louder than my brain, and I’m overcome with a feeling of enlightenment. 

If I let my heart lead my decisions, I’ll never make a wrong decision in my life. So, I think about what it is I truly desire in my future. Not only do I want to write, but I want to make a change in the lives of others. I want to do something that’ll directly impact the lives of others. Tap tap tap tap tap tap. My pencil slips out of my hand and now my heart begins to race just thinking about helping others, and I discover an opportunity that’ll allow me to live out  all of my desires: becoming a life coach. 

Days later 

After reflecting on my options, I’ve come to the decision that working with a life coach is what lights my heart up most, so I reach out to Jessica Rueger. She responds quickly and my heart beats faster when I find out she wants to set up a Zoom call. Tap tap tap tap

During the video chat, Jessica radiates joy and appreciation. My heart feels excitement and contentment, and I realize I’ve made the right decision by choosing coaching as opposed to marketing. 


I’ve been interning for Jessica for three weeks now, and while I haven’t met her in person yet, I know this internship has and will continue to teach me an infinite amount of skills. I have been able to strengthen my journalism skills, while also helping Jessica and those who follow her. On top of that, Jessica has been a model for how to run a successful business, so I feel more prepared than ever to start my own.

The tap tap tap my pencil used to make when I felt anxious had stopped, and I now feel the tapping of my own heart whenever I nurture my desires. 

If you need a sign to live life outside of the box, I hope this story helps you take that first step outside of your comfort zone and towards your highest desires. 

I know that I myself will return to this story anytime I need that extra push. Anytime I hear that tap tap tap in my heart, I know there’s an action needed to be taken.